
power of community

Become a Beethoven Männerchor Member!

It’s so easy to become a member – and you don’t need to be German or a singer to join! Our members are the core of our community and receive several different benefits; free admission to ALL Beethoven events (i.e. Fiesta Gartenfest, Oktoberfest, and all Gartenfest events); free event parking at our Beethoven parking lot; weekly Member’s Night with discounted beverages; and a opportunity to support the Beethoven Club through volunteer programs, where everyone can come together in both work and fun activities.

If you want to join either of our choren (German Choirs) our Beethoven Männerchor and Beethoven Damenchor participate in many local events held at the Beethoven or in and around San Antonio. Our choren also participate in regional, state, and national Sängerfests (Singing Festivals) where we perform with other German groups from across the state and country. These events are open to all Beethoven members to either sing or enjoy the concert of wonderful German music and culture. To be a singer, you do not need to sing well or know German, but be willing to come and give it a try, oh and yes we do work to get the best sound out of all the voices, but at the same time have a lot of fun during our Tuesday night rehearsals.

join today!

Membership Options

Step 1

Fill out an application on-line and submit your payment for membership processing (dues + Initiation fee). The application must include the signatures of two current members who aren’t on our board of directors.

Step 2

Your application, along with application payment, will be forwarded to the board of directors for review and a vote at the next monthly board of directors meeting.

Step 3

You will be informed by email of the board decision on our Beethoven Membership Application. Upon acceptance of your Membership a welcome acceptance letter, along with your Membership Card and a Member Nametag will be mailed to the address specified in your application.

member's night

Tuesday Night Is Member's Night!

Member night is a fun way to get involved! It’s also - Not Coincidentally! - the night when the choirs rehearse.

Afterward, members usually stick around for fellowship, to celebrate birthdays, anniversaries or other life accomplishments, and learn of upcoming events and how to get involved. An added benefit to member night:reduced member night prices in the Club Room! Those who are not members even enjoy this benefit. But we’d love for you to become a member nonetheless.

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