Become a Member


Beethoven Männerchor Membership Application

Membership dues are $75.00 annually with a $25.00 initiation fee ($100.00 total*). Your application, along with application payment, will be forwarded to the board of directors for review and a vote at the next monthly board of directors meeting. You will be informed by email of the board decision on our Beethoven Membership Application. Upon acceptance of your Membership a welcome acceptance letter, along with your Membership Card and a Member Nametag will be mailed to the address specified in your application.

*Your initiation and membership fee will be refunded if your application is disapproved

By selecting Join Beethoven, I understand that I am applying for Membership in the Beethoven Männerchor and agree to the purpose and conditions of membership; that I can discontinue my membership at any time; and that Beethoven Männerchor Inc will not use or share any of my personal information with third parties.