

Become a Member!

Beethoven Männerchor is the best spot in San Antonio for real Gemütlichkeit (that means “coziness” in German!)
We welcome you to join our family…becoming a member is easy.

join today!

Membership Options


The Männerchor and Damenchor are always looking for new voices. And, you don’t need to be German or speak the language. Come on down to Beethoven Halle and listen in during a choir rehearsal. If you would like to join, our directors would be glad to sit down with you at a piano and have you sing a few notes to determine which voice part is best for you. 


Many members who join the Beethoven do so simply to be a part of our community. But, please keep in mind when you join that we want to see you around! Come our and participate in cleanup “work parties”, food line service, and other Beethoven projects. 

join today!

Membership Options

Step 1

Fill out an application for appropriate membership (Männerchor or Damenchor) and return it to personnel in the Club Room. The application must in clude the signatures of two current members who aren’t on our board of directors.

Step 2

Your application, along with dues (which are pro-rated as the year progresses), will then be forwarded to the board of directors for review and a vote at the next board of directors meeting.

Step 3

Pick up membership card at the Club Room.

member's night

Tuesday Night Is Member's Night!

Member night is a fun way to get involved! It’s also - Not Coincidentally! - the night when the choirs rehearse.

Afterward, members usually stick around for fellowship, to celebrate birthdays, anniversaries or other life accomplishments, and learn of upcoming events and how to get involved. An added benefit to member night:reduced member night prices in the Club Room! Those who are not members even enjoy this benefit. But we’d love for you to become a member nonetheless.

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